Your profile
Usage overview
Here are your subscription credits and extra credits usage.
Free trail Balance:
credits0 / 10
Add-on Credits Package Balance:
Remaining extra credits:0

* You need subscribe first to buy the Add-on credits package.

* Extra credits are used before subscription credits and do not expire.

* Web and API:
Luma: Text to video, image to video, and extended video consume 10 credits each time.
Runway: The Runway Gen 3 model currently must be used with images and text to generate videos, consume 12 credits each time.
In standard mode, generating a 5-second video: Text to video, image to video consumes 8 credits each time.
In standard mode, generating a 10-second video: Text to video, image to video consumes 16 credits each time.
In professional mode, generating a 5-second video: Text to video, image to video consumes 32 credits each time.
In professional mode, generating a 10-second video: Text to video, image to video consumes 64 credits each time.

Need more credits? you can buy Add-on credits package to unlock unlimited video generate!
Need more credits? Contact us to get custom plan.